Creative SEO Consultant in New York

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Rick Rys


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  • Today’s SEO Consulting is more creative and complicated than ever. What’s new and works today will increase search results with Google, Bing, Yahoo, and AOL.
  • Excellent website content must complement a solid technical SEO | and search engine optimization foundation. Getting SEO wrong can be bad for businesses in New York, so you need to make sure the technical aspects are correct. Otherwise, your content may not be indexed correctly by Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
  • Investing in a creative SEO consultant, building a responsive design website, optimizing for voice search, and conducting an SEO audit will increase search ranking results with Google, Bing, Yahoo, and AOL search engines.
  • A thorough SEO website audit is both complex and highly specialized. And yet, it produces some fascinating insights that can integrate with so many other business areas.
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Why You Need an SEO Consultant Today

Why you need a creative New York SEO expert with Google search results on an iPad
93% of online experiences begin with search engines such as Google on an iPad. Shown January 7, 2024

New York, NY – SEO is essential for your brand.

According to Forbes, 93% of online experiences begin with search engines.

Briefly, SEO is a process of optimizing any given search word, or phrase, for search visitors to find your website through Google search. That’s what an SEO expert provides.

In other words, think of SEO, and your website, as your 24-hour salesperson. No matter what time of the day or where in New York people are from, visitors will find you through Google search when people are searching. Think of Google as your new best friend.

“If it isn’t on Google, it doesn’t exist.” – Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia.

SEO’s benefit is that your brand’s website gets targeted search traffic, builds awareness, and selects visitors to convert into customers. It’s a creative digital marketing strategy to do your business organically. That’s why you need SEO.

If you stop paying money with Google Ads (paid search), your traffic dies down. However, with SEO, if you don’t do anything for a whole week straight, you don’t end up paying Google. Instead, you will continuously get traffic to your website with technically sound, creative search engine optimization | SEO.

In 2024, according to search engines, Google dominated the market share with 87%, according to Statista. Furthermore, Google’s market share number has increased to 95% in mobile search.

Why SEO is So Important

Over the years, So many people have found us from Google. It builds a ton of trust. Most people think, “if I read it on Google, it must be true.”

Facts About SEO

  • Increases traffic to your website
  • Generates a positive return on investment
  • Creates amazing brand awareness
  • People trust Google
  • Your competition is engaged in SEO

These facts about SEO don’t mean that you should publish information. Tell your brand’s story, but it’s for you to understand that it builds trust, and your competition is doing it.

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So if you don’t do SEO, you’re going to get left out.

As your SEO consultant, we will get your website found inside search engines: Google, Bing, and Yahoo and deliver focused, targeted traffic to your site.

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What is Search Engine Optimization | SEO?

New York SEO expert what is search engine optimization with Google in October 16, 2020
Effective SEO means your website is found in Google and your website has high organic search rankings with Google search results. Mobile Google search page on January 7, 2024

Search engine optimization | SEO is the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” marks.

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Search Engine Optimization | SEO is the term used to describe the marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in a search engine’s top results once a relevant search is complete.

The earlier (or higher ranked on the search engine results page) and more frequently a website appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engine results.

It is common practice for search users not to click through search results pages, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. Unfortunately, depending upon the term’s competitiveness, it may take months, even years, to achieve these free, natural rankings (commonly referred to as “organic” rankings).

These visitors have the potential to be converted into customers through a strategic marketing funnel.

Search results from Google, Bing, and Yahoo show relevance to the visitor’s search query (search box) input. Your internet service provider (ISP) and a global positioning system (GPS) determine the location of a search query in New York. GPS is especially beneficial with mobile search results.

The visitor’s search results are the search engine results page or SERP.

What is Technical SEO and Why You Need to Have Concern

Why is it more important than ever to be technical when SEO?

In 2024, there will be nearly 2 billion websites worldwide. A solid technical SEO foundation should complement excellent website content. Getting SEO wrong can be bad for business, so you need to ensure the technical aspects are correct. Otherwise, your content may not be indexed correctly by Google and Bing.

An SEO expert will explain why technical SEO is essential, interpret the technical SEO data, what areas to focus on, and what tools can help you get actionable data.

Google Search Index Require SEO Expertise

Google now has two separate indexes for search results: one for mobile devices and desktop computers.

As search visitor behavior changes, a successful SEO strategy – from an SEO consultant – should primarily focus on mobile search engine results.

With all the digital content available online, search engine optimization is essential in a successful digital marketing content strategy to stand out and get found by search visitors.

It would help if you considered investing in an SEO consultant like Syreo.

More: Understanding the difference between organic and paid search

Search Engine Optimization is not an Expense; it’s an Investment.

New York, NY SEO expert with Bing search engine optimization on October 16, 2020
Bing search also powers Yahoo search engine results. Content search optimized for Bing will provide results inside Yahoo search as well as AOL search results. The Mobile Bing search page is shown on January 7, 2024.
New York, NY SEO expert with Yahoo search engine optimization on February 6, 2022
Did you know that Bing Search provides search engine results for Yahoo and AOL search engines? The Mobile Yahoo page as it appears on February 6, 2024.

First of all, our search engine optimization experts believe that there is only one place to start in building a successful digital marketing roadmap: creative SEO | Search Engine Optimization.

Investing in search engine optimization will make your website the hub of customer experience. Sites play a vital role in building consumers’ awareness, consideration, and intent.

Excellent SEO will expose your website to Google, Bing, and Yahoo search results.

As your SEO consultant, we will guide you through a roadmap to success that will build your presence online.

New York SEO expert and voice search strategy with Apple Homepod
Apple's HomePod with Siri "reads" results from voice search listings, it gives websites a shout-out through a simple “According to Your Website”

As we move through the era of smartphones, our next search opportunity is with smart speakers. Smart speakers (Google Home, Amazon Echo, Apple HomePod – see images above) are portable devices placed in our homes and businesses that provide voice search results.

Siri (Apple HomePod), Alexa (Amazon Echo), Cortana, and Google Home voice search results are all provided by search engine data. In short, Google and Bing (Bing also powers Yahoo and AOL search engine result pages) provide almost all voice search data. Voice search is the next-gen of AI.

SEO Expert: Voice Search is a Marketing Opportunity in 2024

In do time, voice search results will be nearly thirty percent of search queries provided by just Google. In addition, Google and Bing give almost all content via voice search, which will continue to increase.

If you want to play in the voice search results game, we advise you to invest in an SEO consultant like Syreo.

Your organic search listings are more important than ever.

MORE: SEO and Voice Search Results: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant Opportunities

SEO and Responsive Website Design: Google Ranking Factor with Core Web Vitals

New York SEO expert with responsive design webpage
Responsive website design creates more SEO opportunities with Google search results. Google's search engine is committed to delivering the best user experience for web searchers from all responsive website design devices. Syreo website on January 7, 2024.

Responsive website design uses HTML and custom CSS to adapt to all mobile devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

In response to the rising growth of mobile search, Google has shifted its business focus to the display screen in your pocket (smartphone) or handbag (tablet), a lot more than the one on your desktop.

As a result, Google now contains two search indexes. One for mobile devices and another search index for desktop computers.

Google search now favors mobile indexing first.

Googlebot will only crawl and index the mobile version of a webpage. If your website is not responsive design, Google will index the page “as-is.”

Having a responsive website design is paramount to your marketing plan. It’s also the new standard in a successful SEO strategy from your consultant.

SEO is Paramount For Mobile Search Results

While consumers are addicted to their mobile devices, mobile web searches on Google will continue to skyrocket.

There are more web searches on mobile devices than on desktop web browsers. Therefore, Google needs to ensure that all users find the content they’re looking for, and the content finds their mobile device through search.

Google search is committed to delivering the best user experience for web searchers from all devices.

As your SEO consultant, we highly recommend a responsive website design.

MORE: Responsive Website Design Improves SEO

Interested in talking to us about becoming your SEO consultant?
Please send us a message or call us direct at (248) 974-8866

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SEO Expert Website Audit

What's included and what to expect with an SEO website audit from an SEO expert.
Take the fear out of an SEO website audit. Syreo presents all the audit findings through the eyes of the consumer, sharing actionable insights, key recommendations and an expert SEO roadmap to success.

There is no better place to start with an SEO consultant than an SEO website audit.

A thorough SEO website audit is both complex and highly specialized. And yet, it produces some fascinating insights that can integrate with so many other business areas.

An SEO audit’s primary purpose is to improve the crawlability of a website, increase long-tail keyword rankings for various categories, and rank for searched terms for website content with good landing pages.

After the SEO audit, there may be existing website search engine penalties. Search engine penalties are present and pervasive and are a primary method used by search engines to control web admins. Unless web admins understand what they are and what to do about them, their websites could easily trigger a penalty, losing traffic and revenue.

Search engine penalties may result in partial or complete removal from the search engines index or prevent a domain from ranking well on any terms in general.

What is a Technical Website Audit

A technical SEO audit checks a website’s health and its technical search engine optimization aspects for web crawlers.

The website audit is about finding website errors and fixing these issues to prevent the website from being crawled, indicted, and ranked inside search engines such as Google.

Why You Should Audit Your Website By an SEO Expert

An audit will improve how Google crawls and indexes your website, affecting your Google search rankings. If executed and implemented correctly, an SEO audit will increase site traffic and performance. In addition, a website audit can give your business opportunities for growth and a clear roadmap to follow.

Fundamental Discoveries Found from Website Audit

  • Technically unsound website
  • Impeding and holding back your website’s traffic potential in organic search
  • Losing sales and conversions
  • Confusing visitors and user experience

SEO Audit Case Study: Subaru | New York, NY

New York SEO expert audit of Subaru Service in New York City, October 17, 2020
Subaru Service & Parts (New York) website increased Google rankings through an SEO audit that exposed "light content" on video content pages. The website is shown on January 7, 2024.

Syreo was hired to do SEO expert analysis of Subaru Service, Parts & Accessories. With offices located in New York, NY, Subaru was suffering from search engine results from Google. We discovered their branded keyword ranking suffered due to light content on their website. The SEO audit revealed a lack of text on their primary web pages allowing competitors to outrank Subaru in Google search. The recommendation was to transcribe video content with accordion buttons to increase the page’s user experience (UX). The resulting HTML text increased rankings inside Google search engine result pages (SERP).

Key Achievements from Search Engine Optimization with Subaru

  • Uncovered underperforming pages and information architecture before passing critical information to the development team, who implemented remedial actions resulting in a 22% increase in search traffic.
  • Provided various innovative ideas and created content to drive engagement amongst core segments leading to improved search traffic.

SEO Audit Case Study: Robb Report | New York, NY

New York SEO expert for Robb Report in New York, NY, October 17, 2020
Robb Report (New York) increased organic website traffic by 28% by increasing exposure through a Google News sitemap configuration. The website is shown on January 7, 2024.

With marketing in New York, NY, Robb Report suffered organic search rankings due to non-optimized on-page SEO on their news articles. Our expert SEO audit revealed the lack of a Google News sitemap to ping Googlebot when new stories were published. The results were 14% more organic search traffic month-over-month from Google search. A big win when the website depends on ad revenue.

Key Achievements from Search Engine Optimization with Robb Report

  • It built SEO sitemaps for Google News that produced a 28% increase in organic search visitors to the website.
  • It developed a mobile site redesign architecture that enabled longer user sessions and enhanced user revenue. This mobile site eventually accounted for over 80% of traffic.
  • We conducted in-depth keyword research for current and future objectives while tracking and analyzing web content for critical metrics such as search volume, SERP ranking, and total unique visitors to provide ComScore data.

Website Technical SEO Audit Facts

Many clients think of the actual technical audit itself. No doubt, those elements are essential. But many companies nowadays recognize the strategic value that SEO brings to bear in the overall digital workspace.

SEO insights can even inform traditional brand advertising early on in creative conceptualization.

That’s right – SEO plays a pivotal role in many unforeseen ways.

SEO Consulting Website Audit Deliverables

Everyone in New York searches on Google; start with a technical SEO audit
Everyone in New York searches on Google. It's best to start your SEO strategy with a technical website audit.

Below are broad deliverables for a technical SEO audit that are included in the scope of work. Also included are sample items that fall within each category.

Technical SEO Consulting

  • Page speed performance
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Schema markup usage
  • HTML structure
  • 404 Error pages
  • 301 Redirects
  • HTTPS Status
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • DNS Records

On-Page SEO Optimization

  • Audit page structure
  • Metadata
  • Duplicate content
  • Search engine penalties

Domain Authority

  • Link building strategy
  • Audit page structure
  • Website quality
  • Website trust factor
  • Website UX (user experience)
  • Backlink Audit

Keyword Research

  • Keywords site is ranking
  • Keyword discovery
  • Keyword opportunities
  • Keyword volume
  • Keyword ranking opportunities

Analytics Consulting

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Overview of organic search
  • Goal conversions and KPI's
  • Mobile usage
  • Mobile performance
  • Keyword performance
  • Site engagement insight

Content Consultation

  • Site content vs Keyword intent
  • Advising content opportunities
  • Seasonal search trends
  • Visitor search analysis

Web Development

Building search-friendly, fast and secure responsive websites is our passion. A major ranking factor with search engine algorithms is site architecture. Building a site, from the ground up, ensures search engines can crawl and index site content efficiently; therefore boosting search results and search engine optimization | SEO.

Syreo presents all the findings through the customer’s eyes, sharing actionable insights, key recommendations, and an SEO roadmap for success.

Syreo will help you prioritize the recommendations based on impact and business needs.

SEO Audit Investment Return

While an SEO audit represents a significant investment, the results go well beyond the review itself. When done correctly, an SEO audit returns a considerable ROI.

Further, unlike paid search (search engine marketing | SEM), which disappears when stopped, SEO continues to inform, day after day, year after year, with evergreen content within your website.

As your trusted SEO consultant, we will show you how to incorporate SEO into almost everything you do, including a suggested workflow to make it a routine part of your everyday practices.

MORE: Read further how an SEO audit can significantly increase your organic search traffic to your website.

Image: Apple Developers

SEO Consulting Impacting Brands in New York City

Robb Report
Riot Games
Fantasy Interactive

About Syreo

Interested in talking to us about becoming your SEO consultant?
Please send us a message or call us direct at (248) 974-8866

Talk to Us

About Syreo

Syreo is an SEO Consultant based in Detroit, Michigan. Syreo’s search engine optimization | SEO experts work with Fortune 500 businesses throughout the United States, including Detroit and New York City. Syreo consults companies to increase revenue organically through thoughtful digital marketing tactics and the expert use of search engine optimization | SEO. Syreo understands how to bridge the gap between the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) and the CIO (Chief Information Officer), bringing data, science, and technology to life through creative storytelling that all stakeholders can understand and embrace. In addition, Syreo understands the importance of visual design that generates excellent user experience (UX) that converts into marketing goals through web analytics.